Monday, January 3, 2011

The endless summer - - almost

My stay here in Katikati is over half over.  Somehow that seems like a milestone to me. 

Lake Rotoiti - a valcano crater!

Since the last blog we had a great trek to a large camp called Lakes Ranch near Lake Rotoiti in the central part of the north island.   There are several lakes in this area and I think all of them are volcano craters. Since valcano action is still a potential, dormant is about the most accurate description of these craters.  Brian said one day "New Zealand isn't too safe a place to live!"

The camp came equiped with 3 swimming pools heated with the thermo activities in the area.

They also have a beautiful large indoor riding arena for lessons, training and showing horses.  Since rain can happen at anytime the indoor venue is needed.  We were lucky though...for our stay, it only rained at night!

Rides out of the ranch usually went to Lake Rotoiti. 

Marianna leads us out.

There were about 40 riders,so crossing the highway needed careful coordination!


We went to two different areas on the lake, one was especially good for swimming. 

And swim we did!

Marianne leads a first time horse swimmer.

The horses play water games when they first get in.

Our new horse swimmer is having a blast...and so is Marianna!

There are lots of beautiful eucalyptus trees here.
But they aren't as fragrant as the California ones.

There is a Redwood forest near the ranch that was planted about 100 years ago.

It seemed like an oxymoron to have fern trees in the underbrush of Redwoods!

"Kiwi" is an experssion that's use to describe anything that's "New Zealand."  Yesterday I had a couple "Kiwi Moments."  There was an A&P Fair in Katikati which is kinda like a 4H fair in the States.

I can remember rides like this when the "carny" came to Wheaton!
A&P doesn't stand for Atlantic & Pacific, but Agricultural and Pastoral. It was like taking a step back in time!

I can remember a hay bailing machine like this in the '50 in Ojai.

And the blue ribbon goes to.....

 Dressage competition.

Highland dance competition.  Any else remember John Coats doing this?

There was even trick riding!

And here some Scottish weight throwing games!

I thought I'd try putting a short video on:

Often times we go on impromptu rides to the beach.  Snoopy loves the water.
 And last night there was the third of a 4 concert series produced in Katikati with a group from Auckland called The Nairobi Trio...only there are four. 

It was great jazz with a jazz violin and soprano sax with the bass and guitar.  I had my Centrum "Fiddle Tunes" T shirt on and the violinist saw it right away.  We had a cool conversation in the break critiquing the sound! 

Upcoming, I have another quick trip to Auckland with Marianna and Brian's son David to look at the media school "SAE", then a 3 day trek to Ragland on the west coast.

1 comment:

  1. You are having entirely TOO much fun -- good for you! Thanks for the new posting, wonderful as always. Bree scheduled for induction on Wednesday and we should have a new granddaughter showing up. Will keep you posted :) Love and hugs, Tricie
